Frequently Asked Questions

Benefits of Nature Schools

In the past decade, the benefits of connecting to nature have been well-documented in numerous scientific research studies and publications. This body of research shows that daily contact with nature positively impacts children’s social, psychological, academic, and physical health. 

Positive impacts include the following:

  • Supports creativity and problem-solving

  • Enhances cognitive abilities

  • Improves academic performance

  • Reduces Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) symptoms

  • Increases physical activity

  • Improves nutrition

  • Improves eyesight

  • Improves social relations

  • Improves self-discipline

  • Reduces stress

Resource: Benefits of Connecting Children with Nature, Natural Start Alliance


  • Depending on the season, children will be outside 50% - 75% of every day in all kinds of weather: rain, snow, and sunshine. Families provide all indoor and outdoor clothing as necessary, students have a designated storage space for their materials at school. Children will never go outside when it is dangerous to do so.

  • We appreciate that changing weather helps children develop resiliency. We find that when children are dressed comfortably for the weather, they enjoy rain, snow, and mud just as much as sunshine.

    Journey Nature School follows Benjamin Logan Local School District for all weather delays and cancellations.

    In the event of extreme weather (high winds, thunderstorms, tornados, snowstorms, below-freezing temperatures, etc.), there is the chance that JNS Staff will make the call to move activities indoors or for an early dismissal.

  • Journey Nature School prioritizes learning through outdoor play experiences. It is essential to dress for the weather each day in attendance. Ask your child(ren) about their desired movements in the clothing they will be wearing. Can they climb, run, jump, bend and crawl?

    We recommend the gear list from the Outdoor School Shop to aid in choosing these items.

  • We recommend completing the Family Self Reflection Interview to help you to best assess if this program is a good fit for your family’s lifestyle.

    If you have any questions about the program or how it can complement your family’s learning goals, please contact us!

    For JNS Families of young children, we will consider your child’s first six weeks of enrollment a trial period. As your child enters the program for the first time, it will be a way to see if your chosen enrollment option fits your child best. At the end of this 6-week window, we will reach out for a conversation to discuss what is working well and any potential growth areas. This meeting also opens up the conversation for adjusting the enrollment frequency, which would change by the 9th week of the quarter.

  • JNS is a secular homeschool supplement or homeschool co-op option for students in Logan County and surrounding areas that promotes child-led learning through a connection to nature. The shared environment offers homeschoolers a community of like-minded families, scheduling flexibility, and personalized learning that is supported by qualified, caring adults.

    Children enrolled gain confidence through the classroom experience—not only in listening to educators and guests and answering questions but in public speaking and class presentation opportunities that children don’t get at home. Geared towards early education, JNS educators provide homeschool families with a solid base of educational discovery that parents and families can build upon as they grow more confident as educators themselves.

    Additionally, we provide families with personalized guidance and help navigating Ohio homeschooling law.

  • JNS views families as partners who play a critical role in their child's and program's success. We encourage parents to be active participants in their children's JNS experience by volunteering. This could include being a guest speaker, work/repair projects, planning committees, snack donations, or material support.

    Additionally, JNS offers families opportunities for exploration and community-building outside the Kirkmont Center. In the past, these have included bowling nights, field trips, and group meals.

Explore nature's classroom